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Making Prehistoric Replicas for the Creswell Crags Shop
Making Prehistory Real | INTERVIEW: Dr. James Dilley |
Prehistoric Firelighting with Dr. James Dilley
Why Use Antler Spears? (Paleolithic Europe Interview With Dr. James Dilley)
Making Must Farm (S1, E2): A Bronze Sickle
Ancient Artisans - Flint Knapping with James Dilley
Knapping A Massive Brandon Flint Nodule with Dr. James Dilley
Chisel Arrowheads: Experimental Archaeology In Action (E3)
Knapping Glass into a Palaeolithic Handaxe with Experimental Archaeologist, Dr. James Dilley.
Experimental vs. Experiential Archaeology with Dr James Dilley (E1)
Creswell Crags: An Ice Age Frontier
Visiting The Ancient Technology Centre With Dr. James Dilley